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As the Syrian conflict enters its ninth year, half of all Syrian children have grown up knowing nothing but war. Many of these children live in communities that are cut-off from outside help. Syrian organisations have played a vital role in helping children in the most hard-to-reach locations. They deliver services to the most vulnerable populations in high-intensity conflict or besieged areas.

Our approach

Save the Children is supporting Syrian organisations to strengthen their capacity to respond to the needs of conflict-affected populations. This funding will give them the skills and resources they need to support a longer-term vision of a strong civil society that will be critical in recovery and reconstruction efforts. With the support of the IKEA Foundation, Save the Children, in partnership with Syrian civil society organisations, will protect thousands of vulnerable children.

Co-designing solutions

Through our capacity strengthening approach, we co-design solutions with Syrian organisations, enabling them to play an active role in determining where they need support. Our capacity strengthening activities are customised to meet the needs of each organisation. We use innovative solutions to facilitate remote participation which are designed to mitigate challenges such as travel restrictions. Examples of remote training approaches include e-learning platforms, webinars, virtual help desks, and the launch of a local training service provider. The project also provides funding to partners who are new to humanitarian response, giving them the opportunity to apply learned skills in practice and to scale-up their child protection projects.

Find out more about our partnership with IKEA and IKEA Foundation