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Save the Children welcomes adoption of historic pact on global migration

Save the Children welcomes adoption of historic pact on global migration

Save the Children welcomes the adoption today in Marrakech of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration by the overwhelming majority of UN member states. This historic document establishes a solid platform for collaboration between countries to protect the rights of millions of migrant children – many of whom have faced unimaginable journeys, especially when travelling alone.

Some migrant children flee crippling poverty, disasters, violence and human rights abuses only to face abuse, trafficking, deportation, detention or even death.  The Global Compact on Migration contains 38 paragraphs referring to children. With its adoption, we can expect enhanced working together between countries to better protect migrant children – whether that’s before they embark on journey, while a decision is made on their migration status at their destination or in their country of origin in cases of return.


Save the Children’s Global Campaign, Advocacy and Communications Director Patrick Watt said:

“The Compact on Migration was developed because the world recognised that protecting the rights of children on the move requires a global, organised response. All children—regardless of where they come from or where they’re going - have the right to be safe, access basic services and not be separated from the people that care for them.

“We must now harness the energy, ideas and experiences of children and young people themselves to ensure that they have a say in the way that this compact is implemented and that it meets their needs.”

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