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Children and families at risk of being cut off from food, medical supplies as rains cut access to Sudan’s Central and West Darfur states

"Since the start of the rains in June, flooding has added another layer of difficulty to delivering humanitarian aid to people in dire need"

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Refugees fleeing conflict in Sudan face hunger and disease in South Sudan as aid funding dries up, food rations are squeezed, and food costs soar.

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Sudan: Major cholera outbreak as heavy rains hit displacement camps and no end to fighting

Thousands of children in eastern Sudan are at risk of cholera following a major outbreak caused by widespread flooding.

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Sudan: Hundreds of unaccompanied children among thousands fleeing latest surge of fighting

Nearly 500 unaccompanied and separated children have arrived in Blue Nile and Gedaref states over six weeks as fighting forces more people to flee.

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Sudan crisis: Severe acute malnutrition skyrocketing in Save the Children clinics as country now in worst phase of food insecurity

Save the Children press release on hunger and severe acute malnutrition in Sudan

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Why are children in Gaza and Sudan at risk of famine?

Hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza and Sudan are at risk of famine. But what does that mean exactly?

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Child hunger in Sudan almost doubles in six months with three in every four children affected

Conflict in Sudan is driving hunger to record levels

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SUDAN: Over 1,500 children subjected to extreme violence as conflict breaks records for crimes against children

The number of children killed, injured or facing other grave violations in Sudan soared six-fold in 2023 to a record high

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Number of children lacking routine immunisations three times higher in conflict zones than the rest of the world

Save the Children press release immunisations Gavi conference

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Sudan Staff Account: "The girl’s horrendous experience reminded me of my own experience when an explosive device fell into our compound"

A staff account from a health manager working in Sudan. In this blog he speaks about how the conflict is impacting people in North Darfur.

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SUDAN: Violent attacks on schools and education surge fourfold in one year of conflict

Aid agencies including Save the Children, who work on education in Sudan, warn that the country is on the brink of the worst education crisis in the world

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Amid war, and on camelback: how Sudan’s vaccinators are delivering a dose of hope

A year of conflict has left Sudan’s immunisation safety net frayed. Gavi and Save the Children are helping vaccinators patch it back up.

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Sudan: Humanitarian appeal for 2024 critically underfunded, raising just one fifth of amount raised to rebuild Notre Dame cathedral

Save the Children press release on Sudan raising one fifth of funds raised for Notre Dame cathedral

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Sudan's year of war: one in two children in the line of fire

During one year of war in Sudan more than 10 million children have been in an active warzone

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Women in Health: From being displaced to running a health centre in Sudan

Save the Children is providing healthcare support to children and families in Sudan thanks to the work of brave local healthcare workers.

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After fleeing the war in Sudan myself, I can relate to children who have faced the same ordeal.

Almost 1 year on since the conflict broke out in Sudan, colleague Stephen provides an account on what fleeing the conflict to South Sudan was like.

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Sudan: Nearly 230,000 children and new mothers likely to die from hunger without critical action – Save the Children

Urgent, life-saving funding is needed to respond to the massive and worsening crisis in Sudan

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SUDAN: Humanitarian response crippled as Wad Madani – an aid hub and home to 700,000 people – is overtaken

Save the Children press release on fighting in Al Jazira state, Sudan

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The fight to save her son’s life: Jamaal and Nada’s story

How Save the Children supported a child in Sudan have a surgery and recover amidst the ongoing conflict and collapsed healthcare system.

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Press release on babies born in Sudan with no healthcare in next three months from Save the Children

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19 million children in Sudan out of school as conflict rages on – UNICEF, Save the Children

19 million children in Sudan out of school as conflict rages on – UNICEF, Save the Children

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Number of children displaced across Sudan likely highest in the world

Number of children displaced across Sudan likely highest in the world

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SUDAN: More than 50,000 people displaced within Kadugli as town nears siege conditions

Children and families living in near-siege conditions in Kadugli in southern Sudan have run out emergency food supplies, with fighting blocking acces

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DARFUR: Leaders must agree on better protection of civilians, after 39 people killed in Nyala

DARFUR: Leaders must agree on better protection of civilians, after 39 people killed in Nyala

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Nearly 500 children die from hunger in Sudan as fighting halts life-saving treatment programmes

Nearly 500 children die from hunger in Sudan as fighting halts life-saving treatment programmes

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SUDAN: 17,000 children per day to fall into crisis levels of hunger by September

SUDAN: 17,000 children per day to fall into crisis levels of hunger by September

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Khartoum: Doctors warn of disease catastrophe due to mounting dead bodies

Thousands of corpses are reported to be decomposing on the streets of Khartoum with morgues at breaking point

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STAFF ACCOUNT: “The violence is everywhere, there is looting everywhere.”

An account from our colleague Sara Abdelrazil on the impact of lawlessness and displacement in her town of El Obeid in North K

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Darfur: Aid workers witness hundreds of murdered bodies including children abandoned in streets

Darfur: Aid workers witness hundreds of murdered bodies including children abandoned in streets

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Sudan: Children as young as 12 raped and assaulted, as sexual violence rips through the country

Teenage girls are being sexually assaulted and raped by armed combatants in Sudan in alarming numbers

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Save the Children says children in South Sudan who have been displaced are at risk of cholera

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“If I had a magic wand, I would make Sudan a much better place”: distressing experiences of children revealed in drawings after two months of violence

Drawing by Maram who is supported by Save the Children in a child-friendly space in Sudan

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Nearly half of children in Sudan set to go hungry as conflict stops farming

Nearly half of children in Sudan are set to go hungry says Save the Children

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Sudan: Armed groups occupying health facilities, looting, cutting off lifeline for country’s children as numbers in need surge

Armed groups occupying health facilities and looting supplies in Sudan are taking life-saving treatment from millions of child

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Escaping Artillery Fire: A Family's Harrowing Experience Trapped in Sudan

Aid Worker Account from Omer Sharfy in Sudan to mark one month since the fighting erupted.

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Children fleeing Sudan arriving at borders withdrawn, anxious and scared, says Save the Children

Children fleeing the violence in Sudan are arriving in South Sudan and Egypt showing signs of acute distress and shock with some withdrawn

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Fighting in Sudan rapidly worsening an already dire humanitarian situation for children, warn UNICEF, Save the Children and World Vision

Save the Children press release on Sudan and the worsening situation for children

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Save the Children committed to protecting children in Sudan

Save the Children is committed to protecting children in Sudan press release

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Sudan: lifesaving vaccines for children destroyed in power outages amidst violence

Power outages across Sudan have destroyed cold chain storage facilities for lifesaving vaccines, as well as the national stock of insulin and several

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SUDAN: Armed groups loot medical supplies and aid from Save the Children

Save the Children office looted in Sudan as country endures third day of fighting

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Calls to protect children in Khartoum as fighting spreads

As fighting spread to residential areas of Khartoum, Save the Children called on all parties not to target areas where children are living.

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NEW ANALYSIS – Afghanistan tops list of 7 countries where children were most in need in 2022

The number of children needing humanitarian assistance rose more than 20% this year to 149 million, with Afghanistan then the DRC most severely impacted.

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Funds urgently needed in response to devastating floods across much of Sudan

Sudan Country Director Arshad Malik crosses a submerged road in Gezira State (Credit: Ahmed Kodouda / Save the Children)

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One in four people face severe hunger in Sudan as food crisis deepens

One in four people face severe hunger in Sudan as food crisis deepens

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Deaths of two children signals looming hunger crisis over Sudan

Deaths of two children signals looming hunger crisis over Sudan

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War in Ukraine threatens to increase hunger in Sudan

War in Ukraine threatens to increase hunger in Sudan

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Sudan crisis: Children forced to work, skip meals as situation worsens

Sudan crisis: Children forced to work, skip meals as situation worsens

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Darfur: Save the Children fears further violence after 50 people killed at the weekend

Darfur: Save the Children fears further violence after 50 people killed at the weekend

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SUDAN: Violence must end after five children are reportedly shot in recent political unrest

SUDAN: Violence must end after five children are reportedly shot in recent political unrest

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