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Occupied Palestinian territory




Interagency statement on food aid blocked from reaching Gaza.

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The number of children killed or injured by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank has more than doubled since last October.

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INTERAGENCY STATEMENT CALLING ON UN Member States to take urgent steps to protect people deprived of their liberty across the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel

We, the undersigned organizations, call on all UN Member States to take urgent steps to protect people deprived of their liberty across oPt and Israel

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GAZA: Aid agencies and medical professionals warn of dangers of a mass polio outbreak without urgent action, endangering a generation of children

Aid agencies and medical professionals have joined forces to call urgently for a ceasefire to allow life-saving polio vaccinations to be administered

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Gaza: New Israeli orders force thousands in Deir al-Balah to flee again, and disrupt last aid hub

New displacement orders issued by Israeli authorities have forced another mass movement of families and humanitarian workers.

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STAFF ACCOUNT: The Aid Worker Dilemma - Provide Care and Stay Alive in Gaza

Save the Children staff account from a physician who has dedicated his medical skills to helping children in Gaza.

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Children among more than 100 killed in Gaza in worst school attack in 10 months

Save the Children press release Gaza school airstrike 100 killed children

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Staff account: “The level of human suffering was absolutely mind blowing”: A Paediatric Nurse's account on the Devastating Impact of War on Children in Gaza

Harrowing testimony by a paediatric nurse on her deployment to Gaza to support our medical and humanitarian efforts.

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GAZA: Nearly 300 days into the war, attacks on 'humanitarian zones', never-ending relocation orders and aid worker fatalities cripple aid delivery

Intensified Israeli airstrikes in areas of Gaza have drastically impeded the ability to deliver life-saving supplies

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Statement on attacks in Khan Younis that killed at least 84 people including 24 children

“Nearly 10 months into this horrifying war, the devastation to children’s lives and disregard for legal protections has not ended"

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Physical abuse, infectious disease spreading as conditions for Palestinian children in Israeli military detention deteriorate

Press release on physical abuse, disease and sexual violence spreading in Israeli-run prisons.

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Women self-inducing labour and facing life-threatening complications in pregnancy after nine months of Gaza conflict

An estimated 50,000 babies have been born in Gaza over nine months of conflict, with many women giving birth in traumatic, unhygienic and undignified conditions

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Why are children in Gaza and Sudan at risk of famine?

Hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza and Sudan are at risk of famine. But what does that mean exactly?

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Devastating new figures reveal Gaza’s child hunger catastrophe

Devastating new figures reveal Gaza’s child hunger catastrophe

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Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves

Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves

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Formal mechanism to monitor and report on crimes against children in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel must be established, after perpetrators listed in flagship UN Report – Save the Children

Formal mechanism to monitor and report on crimes against children in the occupied Palestinian territory must be established, after perpetrators listed

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UN ceasefire resolution must be enacted immediately to protect children from further violence and starvation - Save the Children

Statement - Save the Children IMMEDIATE RELEASE UN ceasefire resolution must be enacted immediately to protect children from further violence and s

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At least 66 people including children killed in four days of attacks on “safe zones” in Rafah

Attacks on ‘humanitarian areas’ highlight fallacy of the claim that civilians are safe anywhere in Gaza

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GAZA: New crossing points and ‘floating dock’ are cosmetic changes, as humanitarian access disintegrates in Gaza, warn aid agencies

As Israeli attacks intensify on Rafah, the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access.

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GAZA: Families fleeing Rafah say they are being ‘killed slowly’ as forced to move again

Many Families in Gaza are being forced to flee for the fifth time in seven months while supporting elderly relative and injured children as Israeli fo

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